origami london

origami London
mark bolitho

EXTENT: 128pp
FORMAT: 205 x 160mm (61⁄4 x 8in)
BINDING: Flexiback
WORDS: 17,000

Mark Bolitho was a world-renowned origami artist and designer. He has written several books on the subject, including Fold Your Own Origami Army and Start Origami, a beginner’s guide. In 2009 he was guest of honour at the annual Nippon Origami Association symposium in Japan. He has been the chairman of the British Origami Society.
Origami London is a collection of paper folded landmarks of London. The models have been designed and grouped into sections based on the function and purpose of the buildings. Within the collection various categories of building have been included, from iconic offices to museums. The models are explained with step by step diagrams using a standard notation. The illustrations explain the folding sequence to produce the final design. The satisfaction of origami comes not only from creating interesting designs, but also from following the folding journey and seeing your model evolve at your fingertips. Hopefully this will inspire the reader to further creativity, through their choice of paper to execute the models.

At the back of the book are pages printed with the patterns and textures for the reader to photocopy and use for folding the models.
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