The Runner’s Journal

The runner’s journal
sean keogh

EXTENT: 240pp  
FORMAT: 184 x 102 (4 in x 7.25 in )
BINDING: Flexiback
ILLUSTRATIONS: Over 20 illustrations 
WORDS: 10,000

Sean Keogh is a dedicated marathon runner who has recently started a long distance running club in North London, England. He also coaches amateur hockey and has written many books on physical fitness.

Keeping a record of your training runs and races can be instrumental in helping you discover how to improve your performances. You'll be able to see at a glance when you ran your best, what the conditions were, how are you felt, and what you ate and drank before and during your training session or race.

Key Features
Hints, tips and advice on how to build your own individual running profile, to stay fit and running for life.

Fill-in section at the back enables the you to keep a personal daily log, tracking your progress for 6 months.

Motivational techniques and skills that can be applied during training.

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